Nitrous Oxide Sedation

What is nitrous oxide sedation?

At DFW Implant Team, board-certified periodontist, Dr. Donald Steinberg can provide nitrous oxide (laughing gas), an odorless gas that is inhaled through the nose to relax the patient during their treatment. A mild form of sedation, nitrous oxide will allow you to still be able to answer questions, follow instructions, and drive after your appointment. This type of sedation wears off quickly after the gas is no longer inhaled through the nose. Instead of avoiding your appointment because it is too stressful, we can help make your appointment easier to handle with nitrous oxide sedation. When you call to schedule your appointment, please ask us about our sedation options.

What are the benefits of nitrous oxide sedation?

For patients who have fear or anxiety about dental procedures, nitrous oxide sedation is a gentle, safe method to get through a dental visit. Laughing gas sedation can give patients the relaxation they need to get their teeth and gums repaired so they no longer have to live in pain. Please schedule you appointment today.

  • For greater comfort during procedures

  • To minimize fears and anxieties

  • Sedation without injections

  • Patient remains awake

  • Able to drive after their procedure

  • To minimize or eliminate gag reflex

How is nitrous oxide sedation administered?

Dr. Steinberg will fit the nasal hood or cannula over the patients face, and then turn on the flow of nitrous oxide gas. Laughing gas begins to work quickly by relaxing the patient and minimizing discomfort within 2 – 3 minutes. We will monitor the patient and increase or decrease the flow of gas based on the patient’s needs. While the gas is inhaled, the patient may feel euphoric and begin to feel a tingling sensation in their arms and legs. Patients should remain awake and able to hear and follow the doctor’s instructions during the procedure.

What is recovery after receiving nitrous oxide sedation?

The nitrous oxide gas will be stopped after the procedure and the sedative effects leave the body fairly quickly. In 3 – 5 minutes, the patient should fell normal again and be able to drive themselves home. Patients can avoid developing nausea from the nitrous oxide by eating a moderate meal 4 hours before their appointment. Nitrous oxide is not known to cause allergies or serious side effects when used properly, but patients should contact our office if they are concerned after their procedure.