Intravenous Sedation

What is intravenous sedation?

Most of the procedures at DFW Implant Team are typically completed in a few hours at our office. Some of these procedures may require only a local anesthetic, although patients may also choose intravenous safe conscious sedation for maximum comfort. Our board-certified periodontist, Dr. Donald Steinberg, can provide this type of sedation for your peace of mind when the thought of dental surgery or treatments makes you stressed out, or the anxiety is what keeps you from receiving the treatment you need. With intravenous sedation, you will not be fully asleep. The drowsiness will help you feel calm during the appointment (some even lose the memory of it altogether). You will still be able to answer questions, and follow instructions from Dr. Steinberg. Of course, we will also be numbing the area, in addition to the sedation, for a pain-free experience at our Bedford, TX, office.

What are the benefits of intravenous sedation?

Going to the dentist doesn’t have to cause anxiety and discomfort with sedation options like IV conscious sedation. For routine procedures or complex oral surgery, IV sedation can help patients achieve deep relaxation and make it seem as though time is flying.

  • To reduce anxieties and fears

  • To improve patient comfort

  • To prevent gagging

  • Allows the patient to remain conscious

How is intravenous sedation administered?

Patients should talk to their doctor about restrictions on the day of their IV sedation, but patients should not eat or drink for 8 hours before their procedure. To prevent anxiety and discomfort during the actual sedation injection, the doctor will usually prepare the injection site by applying a numbing cream. Once the local anesthesia has taken affect, the doctor can inject the intravenous sedation medication into a vein near the surface of the skin. The most common drugs used during IV sedation include anti-anxiety sedatives (benzodiazepines), like Midzolam and Diazepam. A staff member will monitor the patient’s pulse, oxygen levels, and any reactions.

What is the recovery after receiving intravenous sedation?

After the procedure, the IV sedation should begin to wear off, but the effects may be felt for up to several hours. The doctor advises patients to have a responsible adult take them home after their appointment and watch over them until the anesthesia has worn off. Patients should be especially careful to avoid biting the numbed area, since they will not be able to feel the pain and stop before any damage can occur. Patients should be careful eating or drinking after IV sedation and avoid alcohol and unapproved medications. Patients should call their doctor immediately if they have an adverse or allergic reaction.